Spanish Patio is theme of Fischer’s De Luxe Theater


In selecting a decorating scheme for the auditorium of Fisher’s new de luxe house, considerable thought was given to the idea of making this house entirely unique and of the most attractive design possible.  Mr. Fisher and Mr. Wolff decided that this could best be attained by a Spanish patio effect.


On entering the theater, the illusion of stepping into a moonlit garden will be perfect.  Of massive Spanish architecture, with here and there dark green shrubbery opening into endless vistas of trailing paths to unlimited spaces, entering the auditorium will be like stepping out of doors, comparable only to an entrance to the fabled garden of Eros.  Artistic statuary will gleam softly along the top of these walls, while soft fleecy white clouds will drift across cerulean skies.  Little stars will twinkle and a majestic moon will wend her silent way across the blue dome to the accompaniment of soft trickling waters.  Elaborate and artistic lighting effects will be installed for the express purpose of presenting the illusion of moonlight and eventide.  A trip to Fisher’s de luxe theater will be a trip to old world Spain, the land of romance and soft summer nights.


(The Lombard Spectator, July 7, 1927)